Friday, March 19, 2010

Sudden panic attack...

A couple of minutes ago, I was just doing some online banking when I saw my account balance... and promptly went into a mini panic attack.

It's not that my accounts were, with all due respect, it still was rather healthy considering that I had no income for a good part of a year and was still paying for everything normally. What bothered me so greatly was how much it had depleted. It took me a good part of a decade to save the money which was to have been downpayment for my home and I guess just seeing the dwindling numbers sent me into a mini panic.

I know that material goods aren't everything and that God will provide for what I need.

Breathe..... breathe... trust... and pray. Stop thinking about how long it took you to save that money... it's just money... breathe...

Argh... I don't want to be a cheapo. It bothers me... a LOT. Help.

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